Tuesday, September 16, 2014

"Baby it's warm outside..."

I wish I could teleport. If I could teleport I would go to Italy, fist of all, I've always wanted to go to Italy. Then maybe Paris. Then I would teleport to my family on the East Coast where it actually feels like fall is coming. Cold weather, puffy sweaters, fires, rain.... All I'm getting here is a drought. Hot, humid weather that makes me feel sticky and gross at night. Even with the window open, nothing comes in except more hot, humid weather. Blah. I keep thinking about that weather out east, red and orange leaves, biting wind....
Oh boy, I feel an impromptu poem coming on yet again: 

I Am Here by moi

I open the door and there stands a man
A tall man with flaming orange hair
A bright man with a yellow scarf
A smiling man with ring-of-fire eyes
And I say "Yes? How may I help you?" 
The man tilts his head, wind whipping through his hair
Which is strange, because it wasn't windy 
He looked young, yet I could tell he was old
As old as the calendar 
Maybe older
And he said, "My dear, Summer has left
Did he not depart from your home but a week ago? 
Oh, a year has past since I was here
I shall stay 'till Winter
Makes her way 'round
And brings her dear brother, Mr. Frost. 
When the critters see me, they store up for Winter's arrival
For she brings a dainty hand and a cold snap
That could but take the lives of these poor creatures.
But no! I am here as a warning for them.
I say, 'Winter shall come! So prepare!
I am here!' 
I am here to play with the children
As they leap into my arms of leaves,
I am here to cause trouble
As I blow your hats away with my gentle breath. 
I am here to bring young ones back to school
As I welcome them through the doors of knowledge. 
Oh, I am here to bring so many things! 
But really, I am only the opener for Miss Winter and her brother, 
But I suppose someone must go before her. 
So, no, my dear, you don't have to help me. 
I am here to help you." 

Whoa. That was longer than I thought it would be! I need to start writing poems that rhyme. I had fun creating Autumn's character while writing this. He's sort of mischievous, bold, not afraid to admit that he's not as important as Winter; in fact, he's proud of it. 

In art, I finished my design of Mary, which did not come out as bad as I thought it would. I struggled soo much with her hands though... I put it aside and did another one, this one I'm already quarter-way though because it's much simpler. It's a chalice with the Sacred Heart above it and a shell in the background, symbolizing the shell of baptism. I can't exactly take credit for all this, someone who was sitting next to me gave me the idea for the shell. And kind of the chalice... But the Heart was all me, so I didn't completely steal his idea. And PLUS he said I could do it because he wasn't going to do it after all. So yeah; all mostly partly my idea. XD
I think next art class I'm going to work on the main stain glass window. We're all supposed to come up with a design for one on tracing paper, and if you've already finished yours you can a) make another or b) help with the big window we're working on. Which is made of wood and tissue paper. But it looks really really good so far! I think we're almost done with it because my teacher started another and we're cutting out all the shapes and stuff for it. 

I still have two stickers. But that will soon change! I'm going to fill out some slips and give them to my teacher tomorrow. I no longer can walk down the hall and wilt as I pass the chart. 


Blaze came up to me a second ago and showed me all the books he's going to fill out slips for. He already has seven stickers and by tomorrow he's going to have like fifteen. 

Oh, the pain... 


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