Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yet another post

Hey guys--

I'm not actually sure what to post about so give me a sec to think...

*thinks harder* 

I'm re-reading The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan because its awesome! Actually I opened to a random page and started reading from there cuz thats how I re-read. 

Hey, Abby, ever heard of re-reading from the beginning of the book? 

*gasp* That's a thing??? 

What sorcery is this???

I have a plan now guys!!! (oh boy, you think, here it comes...) Heather, from was kind enough to give me the name of the app she uses for her drawings, which happens to be Sketchbook Pro for the iPad. Seeing as I don't have an iPad, I'm going to get the one for the iPhone. I think. If I have $2 handy. 
SO what this means is, you shall no longer have to suffer with my art that I've taken a picture of and posted. I think. Hopefully. If I have $2 handy. 

Ever have those moments when you're talking with a friend and then you both suddenly burst out laughing? I had that today. Ever realize how amazing friends are? I had that today. XD 

In aerial today, I combined two of the most terrifying drops: waterfall and frog drop (also known as elevator drop). It was so scary!!! I messed up and wrapped it wrong or something so I was stuck and I was like twenty feet in the air and so I had to get into these weird positions to untangle myself and UGH it was scary. 
Also, when I was doing the star drop, I accidentally let go of the "dead end" (the slack at the bottom of the silk that basically keeps me secure) as I was dropping. THAT is the WORST thing you can do in  star drop. I mentally punished myself and my instructor gave me a tip so as that never happens again. 

Today was not my day. 

I'm going to go eat now. 


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