Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Happy September!

I had so much homework today!! Ugh, it's only the fourth day of school, too. My assignment in history was to write a short story, and I'm debating on whether or not I should post it or not...

I think I will. It's about two archeologists 2,000 years into the future. Basically the backstory is: World War III happened and everything got blown up so we all had to move to the moon and forgot all about our culture and technology and stuff and then, 2,000 years from now, these two archeologists came back to earth and came upon the ruins of my school.


I know its weird, but we can pretend its not weird for like five minutes, right?

I also wrote a story yesterday, but I'll share that with you another time.


   "What is this?" my partner asked. It was some sort of circular device with digits. 
   "I don't know," I replied. "But we know that the inhabitants 2,000 years ago had numerals, I think. See those little arrows? Maybe they used this to tell time." 
   My partner picked up something else. "This is a statue of a lady," he said. "Do you think they dressed like this back then? With veils and fabrics like that? What's the circle thing around her head?" 
   I took the statue. "I don't know if they dressed like this or not. But see how her hands are together like that and her head is down? Maybe she's worshipping someone or something. But she seems... radiant, I guess. And there's a crown on her head. Why would she be worshipping if she has a crown?" 
   My partner pondered this. "Maybe she's not worshipping." 
   "But it's obvious she's worshipping. What else would she be doing?" 
   "Well, then I don't know. Let's study it again later." 
   The two of us looked around a bit more. I found a string with sixty beads on it and a cross. We found a large box with old, rectangular buttons. When you pressed the buttons, sound came out. But the instrument was out of tune, or broken, or both. 
   At the end of the day, we looked over our discoveries. 
   "So," my partner said. "We know they had music." 
   "And they were religious in some way," I said, looking at the statue we'd found. 
   "And they had a system for telling time." 
   "And they had numerals." 
   We gathered our finds and left, eager to find out more about life 2,000 years ago. 


In case you haven't figured it out, the first item was a clock, the statue was a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, third was a rosary, and fourth was a piano. 

This is not as good as some other stories I write. I guess when I write for school, (unless English class) the fact that this is for school, not for fun, hangs over my head and I don't write very poetic-ly with the fancy words, and the details, and the fancy details, etc. I could write something like that if I wanted to, but my hands were hurting by the time I started doing my history homework. XD

In other news, GUESS WHO GOT INTO ART CLASS AND PRO-LIFE CLUB AT SCHOOL???????????? ME!!!!!! Yay! 

In more other news, it's Blaze's twelfth birthday tomorrow and (shh) I still don't have his birthday present. I'm a horrible big sister when it comes to birthday presents... But I'll get him something. 

Penguin is bugging me because we have to go clean the sunroom. So, I bid you aideu! 
