Monday, October 13, 2014

In which Penguin has no self-consciousness at all

Bonjour! I have returned for only a quick visit, I'm waiting for Blaze to be done with his piano lesson so I can have mine and I decided to pop in and post. 

My amazing grandparents hath come! They're staying for a few weeks, and their visits are always really fun. Saturday, for example, we spent the entire day swimming. Today we went bowling (we being me, my grandpa, Blaze, Penguin, and Mary Rose). Penguin hadn't been thrilled to go bowling, he complained that he just won so much he got bored. It ended up happening, and yes, he won. (I won the second round. Yay me!) 

Penguin is a child to be admired. He hardly ever gets embarrassed over the things I get embarrassed about. For example, we spent most of the morning out and about, going to Target for halloween costumes, bowling, and going out for lunch, and he (I love this) spent the whole time in his pajama pants. He went to TARGET in his flannel PJ pants! And a RESTAURANT! And to the BOWLING PLACE! And NO ONE looked twice. He's so confident and awesome and boss like that. He doesn't worry about what others are thinking about him. Mostly. Sometimes he.... never mind. 

But seriously, flannel PJ pants with blue and grey wolves on them. Why can't I have that kind of confidence?? 

Mary Rose has started taking piano lessons with us. She's only seven and doesn't really know how to read, but still she's doing pretty well! 

I know this was a short post, but Blaze's piano lesson is about to be over. I have a feeling I'll be posting again tomorrow, as it's going to be an interesting day... 

OH before I go, I want you all to know that I wrote a pretty cool story and I'm dying to share it with you but now isn't the time. 



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