Monday, October 12, 2015

Driving Adventures with Abby (minus the driving)

Sooo, I was scheduling my DMV permit test this morning online and this popped up: Next available appointment is Oct. 12, 2015 at 1 PM. 

So, naturally, I had a quick moment of panic, as it was almost noon, but in the end decided to take it. 
The DMV office is intimidating. You go in and there's all these computers and random numbers being recited over the intercom and people waiting around and official people who knew what they were doing and so forth. I was scared because I was worried I hadn't scheduled it right or something. I just knew something would go wrong. 
To my (great) relief, I scheduled it right and I had confirmed it beforehand and I had all the paperwork and my glasses and such. I passed the eye exam and got my picture taken, and then the lady told me to go to the corner and take the exam. 
In the corner were desks with touch-screen computers and separators between each computer. The desks were at different heights, and luckily I scored one of the two that were low so I could sit. That's called skill, my friends. 
The exam itself? Well yeah, I was a nervous wreck. I don't know who was next to me, but I probably drove him crazy, what with my mumbling to myself and the stressed sighs and little gasps of fear when I got one wrong. ((sorry mister, I really am sorry)) 
But it was a touch screen computer and I don't get the chance to use one of those very often. I had some fun with it, dramatically pressing the buttons and making my pointer finger do a couple circles above the screen before pressing an answer if I wasn't sure. 
What I hated was they didn't show where I was in the test. They didn't show me how many questions there were or what question I was on or anything. I think there were fifty questions, but I could only guesstimate on what number I was on. I kept looking around the screen and grumbling to myself. 
What I did like was that if you get one wrong, they show you right away. You don't have to wait till the end to see what you missed. 
I was kind of on fire. I think I only missed five questions. So I was getting more and more confident and was all, okay, I can do this, keep em coming! and I was all ready to keep answering questions, and I'm not going to lie, a tiny, tiny part of me was disappointed when I finished, but the rest of me was relieved and excited because I PASSED!! 

To celebrate, Blaze, Penguin, and I got ice cream. 
Walking home uphill after eating ice cream is never a good plan, btw. Not only that, but it's super hot...

So yeah. I got my permit today. 
Now I just need to find a driving instructor. 
And then I can drive. 
I'm not sure how I feel about this. 

Not only that, but I'm turning sixteen in a little over a month... 

PSATs are in two days, and I'm not going to lie, I'm kind of not that nervous anymore. I mean, I have a practice test to study from and I have my calculator and a lot of it is reading and writing, which are kind of my strong suits, and math is only part of it, and its multiple choice. 

What I am kind of nervous about is my big biology test tomorrow. 
I should go study. 
--Me, California's almost newest driver


  1. Congrats on your permit, Abby!!! :)
    Ugh, I know, TWO DAYS! And the day after my PSAT I have a biology test, too. DX
    Omg I can't believe you're gonna be sixteen!!!

    1. And good luck on your biology test!!

    2. Thank you!!
      Omigosh, ugh, I cannot wait until it's all over!! Seriously, nothing stays in my head when Im nervous, I'm going to forget everything!\
      Thanks! You too!

    3. I can't wait until it's over either!! :) And the PSATs are TIMED. I HATE timed tests so badly! Ugh. But, hey, we end up getting a half day, right?!? XD


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congrats!!! :)
    And good luck on your tests!
