Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Burger that Killed My Evening.

The gala was last night at the Ronald Reagan Library in Air Force One, which was so awesome that I can't even express it in words. We got to use all three levels and... Okay, excuse me, my brain is still on wow-Air-Force-One-is-so-amazing-I-can't-handle-it mode. My mom and I got there early to set up, then we went out to lunch and I got a cheeseburger. 

Well, the cheeseburger made me sick and I threw up. 
During the gala. 
What even. 

Luckily, it was in the back hallway that was reserved for the student workers, and I amazingly didn't mess up my dress (same one as last year, the black, Audrey Hepburn style). The only ones who saw were Grace and my friend Therese, so that was good. Grace was so amazing, she helped with everything and cleaned up half of the mess before the maintenance crew got there. 
I threw up at the Ronald Reagan Library. 
I am such a sad person. 

Before that, I felt so sick, I couldn't even do my job. My job was stand at a table and answer questions about the artwork that was being auctioned off, but I felt so sick, I kept running back to the greenroom to sit down. I couldn't do it. Before the event opened, all the student workers had to go up to the third floor to take a group picture. When I got up there, everybody was looking over the railing and when I went to join them and looked over, a wave of nausea came over me and I had to sit down. 

I cannot believe I threw up. My first words when I did it were, Are you for real?? 

But I got up on stage and sang anyway!! 
Like. A. Boss. 

Okay, since it's Sunday, I think I should do a real weekly wrap-up.

Best moment this week: 

Probably the second half of the gala, which was a ton of fun since I was feeling better. During the speeches and the live auction and everything, I sat in the back with some friends and basically felt very thankful I wasn't nauseous anymore. 
Most random moment from this week: 

Singing songs and reciting quotes from Veggie Tales Jonah in Latin class. "My father was a caterpillar, my mother was a worm. But I am okay with that now." -The Caterpillar (If that didn't go through your head with the accent, you haven't had a childhood) 

Shame moment of the week: 

I think we all know what that is, so let's move on. (But first, let's look at the bright side: how many people can say that they've thrown up at the Ronald Reagan Library before going on stage to sing in front of a good 300 people?? It's a first, right??)

Something that made me happy: 

Umm... Grace taught me how to correctly apply foundation, because I don't usually wear makeup, but I had to put some on before the gala. I'm embarrassed to say that when it comes to makeup, I'm very lost. 

Something that made me freak out: 

I have a theology exam tomorrow... Yay. 

Things I pinned this week ;) : 

Hair, hair, hair; I'm obsessed.
Everything I love about this season! If this weren't SoCal...
I want to try to draw this sometime.
I love lettering lyrics.
(Also, fun little tidbit about moi,
this was the first TS song I ever learned)
(When Maddie and I were little,
We learned this word for word.) 
You should see my Pinterest, there are pineapples everywhere.
I don't know why I love pineapples so much, but pineapples are life, okay?

I hope your weekend involved less throw-up and more pineapples than mine did ;)


  1. Oh no! I'm sorry you got sick!! But the rest of the gala sounds awesome. :)
    Haha, that Jonah stuff is practically drilled into my head... The little kids got kind of obsessed with Veggie Tales a few months ago. Sebastian would go around the house reciting (in ACCENT) the "My mother was a caterpillar" line. :D
    And OMG the Fall pin is perfect!

    1. Yeah, it wasn't fun... But you're right, the rest was a lot of fun ;)
      IKR it's kind of amazing.
      I love it, I wish it applied to us here.

  2. I TOTALLY REMEMBER THAT!! It was really fun!

    1. DUDE THAT WAS LIKE MY FIRST REAL INTRO TO TS!! And then Max got all ticked at us for singing it constantly xDD
