Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Exams are horrible

I DID IT!!!!!!! 
I'M DONE!!!!!!!!!

I have all my exams completed!! All I have to do now is present my parakeet project tomorrow morning and I will be GOOD! Until school starts up again in a few weeks. 

But seriously, I've been stressing so much the past week, it feels so good to have it all (most of it all) behind me. Today was my history exam, and I am NOT good at history, but I think I did alright. I'm not very good at memorizing names and dates and events that happened centuries ago... It all blurs together. Nero, Constantinople, 410, Charlemagne.... It seems all like fiction, like stories that should begin with, "A long time ago, in a whole separate world far, far away... Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople... Rome got destroyed.... The  Battle of Tours..." and on, and on, and on, because history never really stops. As longs as the clock keeps ticking, history keeps marching, and some day, fifteen year old girls are going to be reading about stuff that happened today and look at it like it's fiction. 
History isn't my forte. 
Instead of an english exam, we had a seminar today on Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It was two hours long, but it felt shorter. We could have talked about it for hours. I love doing seminars. I don't really understand the play, though.I mean, I liked it, a lot actually, but every character is an idiot in their own special way. The Nurse, Romeo (especially, in my opinion), Capulet, Tybalt, the list goes on. Romeo, you're sixteen.  Get a grip on yourself! 
(Is it normal that I talk to fictional people? Yes, yes it is.) 

It was raining hard last night! With thunder and lightning and everything! I woke up to thunder at 1:30 AM and wanted to stay awake to listen to the rain and thunder and watch for lighting, but I was barely awake and plus it's exam week and I'm always tired during exam week. 
I'd better go start preparing for my presentation tomorrow. Wish me luck! 
Oh, and to all you who prayed for me on my finals, THANK YOU! 

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