Saturday, December 20, 2014

Pictures from today and from a week ago

CA winter sunsets are so dang pretty!! These are from tonight.

In other news, I'm sick. I hate being sick, even if it's just a cold. More importantly though, I lost my voice. Last night I was singing a lot, more than usual (if possible). And so now I'm paying the price. Joy. 

Oh, also, we're down to four fish. Felix and Finn have both died and I can't say I'm sad. Fish are fun, for a few minutes. After about a week, they get tiring. 
We're not really a pet family... My List of Pets I've Accidentally Killed is slowly expanding. XD 

This coming week is going to be pretty crazy, so forgive me if I don't post very much. My family is going on a mini vacation for a few nights, then our cousins are coming over on Christmas Eve and staying through the rest of the week I think. Then next Monday I'm going to have my oral surgery done Monday morning, and I'll probably sleep through the rest of the day after because of the stuff that they inject in you that makes you sleep. 

Now before I go, I know these are a bit overdue, but here are some pics from the fair last week: 


Me and Blaze
Lilian and Rosie
