Thursday, December 11, 2014

It's actually cold for once...

Right now, its gray and cloudy and very very cold and I'm drinking a cup of tea so hot that its burning my tongue. What could be better... It's actually supposed to rain really hard this weekend. Im super excited! All this fall-like weather reminds me how close to Christmas we are and how quickly Advent is flying by. It also reminds me how close exams are. It's sad; this weekend its supposed to pour and instead of drinking tea and listening to the sound of rain for hours on end, I have to study for hours on end. Study, study, study... This time next week it'll all be over, though. That thought's what keeps me going x). 

I feel like I haven't done a post about aerial in a while so thats what I'm going to do. 

Yesterday we had a sub for the third week in a row. I'm not sure where my usual teacher is, but I hope she comes back soon. I really like her :). Our sub was pretty cool too, though. She introduced us to the Knot Game. This is where you're in the air and someone's telling you what to do... "Turn upside down, hook your left leg, separate the silk and pull through..." etc. Eventually, you get tangled up in this huge knot and you have to figure out a graceful way to get out of it. Oh, and the ground in hot lava XD. My sub, Charlie, said "If you ever get stuck in a real routine, there are two rules: 
1) Don't freak out 
2) Turn upside down and hook something" ;P
Charlie's a lot of fun. 

Tonight is the school Advent concert. I have to wear the same Audrey Hepburn dress I wore to the auction. It's going to be freezing! I'm actually pretty excited for the concert. The high school choir does some songs, the middle school boys do some songs and the middle school girls do some songs and then the youngest kids do some songs. Not necessarily in that order. I'm in the high school choir and we're singing a french song and then this really long (really really long) version of the Gloria. 

I am really not good with technology, I recently found out... 

I'll post about the concert tomorrow. 


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