Friday, March 6, 2015

I should be doing homework, but instead I'm blogging

So I changed the title of Miette's story because to be completely and totally honest, I was never really that into it. Now it's a St. Augustine quote, which I find to be much more suiting to the plot. 

Speaking of which, I'm holding off writing the story until I've plotted it out more. I should have done the outline first, but I kind of had an idea of the plot in my head so I dove right in. And now I'm realizing why that was a bad idea. 

So. No more updates on that until I've plotted it out. 

Ok, remember my science exam which was basically a huge report (actually, twenty reports) on a parakeet? I think I talked about how stressed out I was about that a while ago (so happy it's over...). Anyways, we get to do something like that again at the end of this semester, but we get to choose what we do it on! Like, we get to come up with our own science experiments! It sounds fun, but also very stressful. My science teacher said told us to do something that we're interested in and I immediately thought aerial. There are so many things I could do with this! I could do something gravity related, since, you know, it's aerial. Or something to do with spinning, like how your position affects the spin or something.  
Thing is, I don't have a definite idea yet. 
I want Summer to come. 
Three more months... 

HOLY COW THREE MORE MONTHS!! I feel like it wasn't so long ago I did a post at the beginning of the school year and I was complaining because I wanted Summer to come so badly. The year always flies by, but in the moment it takes forever. 

What's also weird is that I only have two more confirmation classes left. I've been taking these classes for two years now, so it's strange to think that I only have to do it twice more and then I get confirmed. I don't have all my service hours though, so I need to figure out a way to get those in quickly. I need like five more (sshhh). 

Ok, it's three-fifteen and I haven't had lunch. I'm starving and also I want tea. But when do I not. 



  1. It would be sooo cool if you wrote your report on aerial!
    See you Sunday.

    1. WOULDN'T IT THOUGH??? I need to come up with an idea before the end of this month... It's already stressing me out ;)

  2. Love the quote you put at the end.... ;)

    1. Thanks! I found it and was like YESSSSSSS

    2. ;) ya can't get more perfect than that!
