Thursday, March 12, 2015

Post Latin Exam Post


The dreaded exam is OVER. 
I'm so happy. 

I got stuck on a few questions, and there were some words that I absolutely did not know, but I took an educated guess in those situations. The story part was good and the endings were okayish. I'm pretty happy with myself. 

Before the exam, everyone who is taking latin was gathered in the hall and finding seats and stuff. It was crowded-- maybe, fifty kids, all eighth graders on up-- and you could sense all the nervousness. The they handed out the answer sheet and we had to fill out all the info and such. Those little bubbles annoy me, I always feel like I have to fill them in perfectly, and when I don't, it bugs me. Ugh. Me and my bubble problems. (It's so tempting not to fill them in in the shape of a Christmas tree ;)

So then, we had our exams in front of us but we weren't allowed to look at them yet. One of my teachers said, "Okay, any more questions? Last chance!" and I got all stressed out, trying to think of any questions I might have. I actually leaned over to my friend sitting next to me and whispered, "I'm going to have an anxiety attack." 
So then, the same teacher said, "Alright, is everyone ready?" 
Like, you have to ask? When does anyone ever feel ready to take an exam about a dead language? 

So, he held up his stopwatch and said, "Is everyone ready?" 
Me: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!! 
Flipping the exam over was enough to make me break out in sweat. The first part, with the cases and the endings, I think I did okay... But then we got into geography and culture and I did much better. Then came the story, and I read through it and answered the questions, and I know I did well on that. 

So, that was my exam. Afterwards, I felt so happy it was over. 
But then I remembered that my science (philosophy) test had been postponed until Monday and I felt like groaning. 

So now I get to cram all weekend. Fun. 


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