Thursday, March 26, 2015

Medieval Day and my science final.

Medieval Day was a lot of fun! My team didn't come out on top, but we did win the trebuchet competition. 
The plays went pretty well. First we did our hell mouth play, and I didn't have a huge part. The demons were fantastic and everything went rather smoothly, despite the usual pre-play mishaps (Missing props, missing costumes, missing people, etc.). 
Then we did our latin play. I was the narrator for the first scene and I had a lot of lines. I got on stage and remembered my teacher telling me to be loud. When I started, it was all good. Then, it sort of processed that everyone was staring at me and I started shaking. Then my knees started knocking like crazy. It's a good thing I was wearing a maxi skirt... I got super pale and couldn't speak. Some friends were on stage with me, waiting for their cues, which I was struggling to deliver. I looked over at them with panic and made myself continue. Gosh, I was so nervous, I actually was seriously considering running off stage. I was so afraid I would fall. 
Thankfully, I made it through my lines and I got backstage, away from all those eyes, staring up at me. I sat on the nearest table and breathed, trying to calm the intense beating of my heart. 
Ugh, I will never be an actress. 
And I'm okay with that. I get stage fright, in case you hadn't noticed. 

Lately I've been super stressed out, and one of the causes of this was my giant science final. I had no idea what to do, and our final proposals are due next Tuesday. 
I was doing this whole thing by myself, but I realized I couldn't do it. My teacher actually talked to us about it today, saying how she would recommend doing it in groups. So when my friend Tessa, sitting next to me, poked my shoulder and raised her eyebrows at me, posing a silent question, I nodded. I already feel the stress dripping away... 
So, now I'm not carrying the wait of this whole final on my shoulders. Tessa came up with the idea of testing the hardness of water from a few different sources, which is what we decided to do. Knowing what I'm doing is really helping too. 

Okay, before I sign off, here's a picture of Penguin, Blaze, and me before we left for school on Medieval Day: 
Left to right: Penguin, me, Blaze. I decorated Blaze's shield, if you were wondering. 
Why can I not look normal in pictures... 
Until next time, when I shall find some other topic to bore y'all with. 



  1. Love your outfit! Good luck on your test! <3

  2. x) I'll definitely pray for you! Xoxo
