Sunday, March 15, 2015

Libraries are out to get me.

Okay, before I do anything else, I'd like to congratulate myself for rereading Princess Academy yet again. 
(Hint: I'm attempting sarcasm here.) 
(Another hint: I'm not very good at it.) 

I need to go to the library, but they wont let me check anything out because APPARENTLY I returned book that were damaged or something. 

This was legit my face when I found out about my alleged book-abuse charges. 
You guys know me well enough by now to know that I do not damage books. Okay, they do get a little worn after a while, and I dog-ear the pages, and I may or may not break a couple spines... But thats what happens if you actually read them. 
 *deep voice* "Yes, you may read these books, but you may not wrinkle them, tear them, fold them, stain them, break them, eat them, open them, or touch them in any way." 
If you expect people to read these books, library, expect them to get a little worn. 

So, now I have to pay a fine, which I still haven't paid, so I still can't check out any new books. 

In other news, a heat wave hit. It's SO HOT. Too hot to do anything but lie down and DIE. (I like to exaggerate things XD) Blaze, Penguin, and I walked down to a nearby fro yo shop. It's about a ten minute walk which wasn't too bad. But we live on a hill. Walking uphill in this heat is never a good plan. 

I studied a more for my science/philosophy test tomorrow, and I'm going to study some more tonight. I'm sure I'll do well, but even if I get a 92%, I'll be disappointed, because on the last two tests, I got a 99% and a 98%. So I'm trying to keep that streak going, but I'm not sure how long it'll last... 
Wish me luck! 