Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter!!! He is risen!! 

Right now, I'm at a family friends house with about ten adults and fifty million little children. So Penguin and I are hiding in the trampoline: 

Brother-sister selfie!!
(Is that a thing?) 

On Good Friday, we have a tradition to watch the Passion of the Christ. Obviously, the little kids don't watch it with us. I think the age limit was twelve, But Blaze watched it for the first time when he was eleven, so it's a flexible rule. Penguin wanted to watch it with us this year even though he's ten, so he started it with us and then decided he couldn't handle it and left, but he came back again for the ending. 
I've actually met Jim Caviezel, the actor who plays Jesus, because I was friends with his kids. But then they moved away because of his TV show. 
Mel Gibson did such an amazing job with this movie, I can't even describe it. I SOBBED when I first watched it, and this is the first year I haven't teared up; and I've seen it four times. 
It's an amazing movie and if you haven't seen it, watch it. But maybe don't watch it if you're under twelve, or ask your parents or something because it can give you nightmares. 

Okay, Lilian and her little friend just joined us on the trampoline.

And so did Blaze, but he's too lazy to pose for a picture. But I'm taking one anyways ;p 

Note the mocking rays of sunlight when it's like nineteen degrees in the East Coast. 
I'm trying to get into photography. These aren't that great, partly because an iPhone camera isn't amazing for photography, but I don't have a fancy camera or anything, so this'll do. 

So I just ate a lot of ham and chocolate, so I'll sign off now. 
Happy Easter! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I loooove the photos, especially the one of you and Penguin! Happy Easter!!!
