Thursday, April 9, 2015

In which I basically go off on a bunch of tangents.

I have finished chapter four. 

*sob* I'm soooo behind..... 

But yeah, I finished it, and it ended on a bit of a cliff-hanger, which is what I like. I mean, I don't like it when books end on cliff-hangers, because then you're thinking I have to get the next book, I wont be able to sleep until I find out what happens! But little cliff-hangers like this are nice, a little something to make the reader want to keep turning the pages. 

I sent it off to Leslie, who I think I talked about before. We critique each others work. She's a super enthusiastic writer and is pretty amazing at it. She sent me a poem she wrote recently, and I'll see if I can post it on here, with her permission, of course. 
The only problem is she lives six hours away. It would be so much easier to sit together at a cafe or something and discuss writing for a few hours rather than emailing each other, but we have to make do. 

I'm getting off topic. 
Leslie loved it, which made me happy. 

But I'm haven't exactly been devoting this break to writing. I've been kind of busy, which is why I kind of ditched this blog the past couple of days, but I'm going to try to work on it today and tomorrow... 
Since I'm basically going off on tangents anyways (hence the title), my last ever confirmation class is this Sunday!! It's crazy! I've been doing this class for two years, and now its practically over!  

On Tuesday, my class got together for a pool party, and I took no pictures. But I got shoved in when I was still in my shorts and t-shirt by Hannah, we played Truth-or-Dare, and watched the Avengers. So yeah. 
I'm going to miss these guys when I graduate. They're like my second family. 
Pic from San Fran I can't help posting again
So, this post was kind of a bunch of little tangents, and I'm sorry about that. I wanted to let you know that I'm not dead and hopefully I'll be back soon. 

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