Monday, April 13, 2015


CONGRATS TO QUILLS AND CURTSIES FOR DOING 100 POSTS!!!! *confetti and streamers and noisemakers and such* 

Wow, a hundred posts. This is kind of big, wouldn't you say? I love blogging so much and it makes me so happy that people actually read this, my long rambles and mixed up sentences that make sense in my head but sound strange to my readers. 

So, in honor of the 100th post, I'm going to list a hundred random little facts about myself because I've seen a lot of bloggers do this and it seemed like a good idea to me ;p. 

Alright, lets do this: 

1. I will find any excuse to eat sugar. Any excuse. 

2. I've been dancing since I was three and I have no intention of stopping any time soon. 

3. When I was like nine, back when I still did ballet, I made a vow that I wouldn't quit until I had played the part of Clara in The Nutcracker. 

4. I broke that vow. 

5. I quit a few months after I got my first pair of point shoes. 

6. If I could go back to ballet, I probably could, but I can't. 

7. Sometimes I wish I had an older sibling. 

8. I'm kind of scared to grow up. 

9. My most prized possessions in my room is my writings that I keep in my desk/ all over the place. They're mainly stories and stuff that I write, not for the public, but simply to keep myself entertained xD. 

10. My second most prized possession in my room is my books. 

11. My third is my music. 

12. Well, my books and my music are kind of tied, actually. But lets move on. 

13. I spend more time than probably necessary on this laptop, a habit I've been struggling to break. 

14. I love the theme song of Charlie Brown. Like, go listen to it a couple times for the heck of it. Seriously. Go. Come back and finish reading after you've done it. If you want. This post is kind of strange, so you don't have to if you don't want to. 

15. I'm creepily attached to my pencils.  

16. When I was little, I didn't realize how much I loved writing. Even though I wrote all. the. time. 

17. I probably wrote like five different versions of The Nutcracker. 

18. I'm not saying they were good. I'm saying I wrote them. 

19. I love moccasins. A lot. 

20. I love tea. More than coffee. Barely. I like coffee, but I love tea. 

21. I only like coffee if it has a lot of cream and sugar in it. 

22. The Passion of the Christ is one of my favorite movies. 

23. I really like old movies, but I can never get Blaze to watch them with me. 

24. If I could, I would travel back in time to the '50s because OMGGG THE CLOTHES. 

25. My friend Hannah got me a stuffed hippo for my thirteenth birthday and I still have it. 

26. You can never be too old for stuffed animals. 

27. Or Disney. 

28. Flynn Ryder from Tangled is probably my favorite Disney character. 

29. But I also like Dory from Finding Nemo. 

30. I can only tolerate the movie Frozen. I don't love it and I don't hate it. (Cue the massive mob of Frozen fans coming to kill me)

31. I have realized from experience that Penguin cannot be trusted with valuable information. 

32. Neither can I, for that matter.  

33. Thirty-three is my favorite number. 

34. Once I told Blaze about a surprise birthday party we were having--for him. 

35. I've gotten better at keeping my mouth shut. 

36. Blaze thinks I'm fat and lazy. I'm actually super skinny, but lazy is still on the table. 

37. Loki is the best. Ever. 

38. I would be happy to live where I live--a little city on the coast-- for the rest of my life. 

39. But I do really want to travel. A lot. 

40. My three destinations before I die are Paris, Italy, and Hawaii. 

41. And England, if I can. 

42. The most exotic place I've ever been to was Mexico. 

43. I've never been outside this continent. 

44. I would love to work in a cafe. 

45. I really want to learn how to surf. 

46. And play guitar. 

47. Well, I know basic guitar, but I'm not that good. I'd like to improve. 

48. I've met a grand total of two or three movie stars.

49. Including David Henrie and Mr. Caviezel. 

50. I've always thought of him as "Mr. Caviezel" since I was friends with his kids.

51. I've also met some published writers. 

52. I've been in the same building as Rick Riordan and Laura Marano. Oh, not at the same time though.  

53. I guess it comes with living in CA, only a car-ride away from Hollywood. 

54. I hate stress. Stressing is the worst. 

55. A couple of dreams that I have had have actually come true. It's scary. 

56. I also hate worrying. 

58. One of my favorite quotes is: Worrying is stupid. It's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain. 

59. I love Shakespeare. Love it. 

60. I've acted in a few of his plays. 

61. I wasn't very good. 

62. Blaze and Penguin are two of my best friends. 

63. They're also the two most likely people in this world to tick me off. 

64. I've never liked how, in this society, is normal to hate your siblings. If I told someone that I actually don't hate my siblings, they would look at me weird. 

65. Sometimes they're really annoying though...

66. I love socks. Fuzzy ones. 

67. In the Summer, I spend as much time as possible in the ocean. 

68. I love paddle-boarding SO MUCH. 

69. I didn't do any paddle-boarding last Summer. 

70. This Summer I'm hoping to do more of it. 

71. I love Summer. 

72. I love my school. I really do. I'm going to be sad when I graduate. 

73. I've already started planning a speech for my graduation in case I have to make one. 

74. I hope I get to make one. 

75. I also hope that, if I do make a speech, I don't get stage fright like I did on Medieval Day. 

76. I hate stage fright. 

77. Flowers and music are gifts from God. 

78. I have tried to convert someone to Catholicism. 

79. It didn't go well. 

80. I'm not very good at this thing called talking... 

81. Except for sometimes, when you can't get me to shut up. 

82. I've met an atheist, who was actually a super nice guy. 

83. I'm very defendant of my religion. 

84. I try to put God first in my life, but, well, I'm human. I err. 

85. That's why we have confession xD. 

86. Truth-or-Dare is one of my least favorite games. 

87. I have the song I'm Yours stuck in my head... 

88. I love music so dang much. 

89. I fail at sports so dang much. 

90. I'm okay with that. 

91. Friends are the best. I love all my friends so much ;). 

92. Marvel is sooooooo bossssssssssssssss. 

93. I haven't ridden a horse since I was seven. Ish. 

94. I hate onions I will not eat onions I will not look at onions I will not smell onions I will not touch onions I hate onions. 

95. I love sushi. I will eat sushi forever. 

96. I have too many books, they're crowding my shelves. 

97. I have tried to organize them, but it was a hopeless situation. 

98. I hate tests because it involves both stressing and worrying. 

99. My ninth grade year has been my hardest year ever. 

100. I love this blog. So much. 


I'm done. Finally. 

So, now you know that much more about moi. 
I actually did a much shorter post this afternoon, and i even published it. I had even gone to the trouble of doing a story update. But as soon as i published it, I realized it was my hundredth post, and I had wanted to do something special for my hundredth post. So, after a quick freakout spasm with the usual, "AHHH NO WHATS HAPPENING THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT TO DOOOOOO!!" i deleted it and started this one. It took me so long to come up with this list. I'm definitely not doing this for the 200th post. I'll think of something else for that one. 



  1. I love this Abby! And because I'm weird:
    1. Of course! I mean OBVIOUSLY! (I’m talking about me not you btw! Hehe)
    5. Same here. Now they don’t even fit anymore!! *sniff* How sad is that!? My heels bust out of ‘em! But I still have them. *silly sentimental grin*
    8. Yes. And sometimes I don’t want to. But other times…I do. I’m complicated.
    13. Ugh. Yeah. (About myself not you!!)
    20. LOVE love tea!!
    21. Same here hehe!.
    38. YES. ME TOO. (although vacations would be a bit of a must. But I LOVE where I live.)
    43. Me neither. Or even out of this country! AND I have family in Europe!!! :)
    48. I can’t say that. Well. I’ve met some Nickelodeon “stars.” And I’ve been on some sets. My uncle works at Paramount. SCORE!
    54. YESSS.
    55. IT IS SCARY!
    56. Me too. Which doesn’t mean I don’t do it. I do. But I hate it.
    64. Me neither. (Which doesn’t mean, tho, that they can’t be really annoying…..)
    66. Oooh yeah!
    73. Haha! You’re so prepared!!
    78. Good for you!!
    80. I may not be GOOD at this thing called talking. But I do it a lot.
    83. YESS. And that is soo good!
    84. Hehe, me too :)
    85. Yes!! Yay!!
    86. My brothers think of the WORST truths…and the worst dares… Loss/loss.
    91. TOTALLY!!!
    95. It’s pretty good.
    97. Yuppers. Same here.
    98. *nods in agreement*
    99. I’m sorry! It also sounds (from the looks of your blog) that it’s also been pretty good. ;) *hugs*
    100. I love your blog too! <3

    1. dude, it makes me so happy that you actually took the time to read this post and respond to it!!
      5. I tried my old ones on yesterday, IT WAS SO SAD!!
      43. I WANT TO TRAVEL SOMEWHERE my four year old cousin has been half-way across the world and im fifteen and barely been anywhere DX
      48. OMG your uncle works for Paramount?? that's so cool!
      73. ik i doubt i will make a speech, but even if i do i'll probably break down crying half-way through it xD
      86. ugh i have such bad experiences with this stupid game...
      thanks for all your comments!!

    2. 5. Yeah. And I sort of made a mistake (well in my defense it was my first - and last but that's beside the point - pair) in breaking them in, so they're broken in a little bit the wrong way!
      43. LUCKY COUSIN! I've just been around this country. Which don't get me wrong is pretty awesome but still. :P
      48. Yes it's pretty sweet!!
      73. ;)
      86. Ikr?!
      thanks for reading them ;)
