Saturday, April 18, 2015

I feel like an accomplished Catholic now.

On Thursday night, a few of my friends from school and I got into a little... kerfluffle. 

a fight, debacle, or mess-up.

I don't really want to go into the details, but what I will say is this: we stood up against some people for the Catholic faith. We immediately were targeted and fired at.

These people are so confused. My friends and I made a point to be nice to them and calmly state our arguments (it didn't always stay that way, but for the most part we were calm). In return, we were cussed at and called names which I don't care to repeat. 

There are some people in the world who are like this. They're so confused and it's sad. We did pretty well though; we used logic, the dictionary, science (if necessary), and their own words against them, not to mention the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Bible. One thing we realized, from taking logic class in school, is that their arguments were completely illogical and didn't follow. One lady contradicted herself completely. 

On Friday, we basically talked about it all day. For the most part, we were cracking up about it. I was talking to one friend and I was pretending to be horrified, "One lady called me a ___" and she laughed and said, "That's your new nickname!" 
(She wasn't being serious. I have a ton of nicknames at school and people know I don't like some of them, so they make a point to keep adding more to annoy me x) 

It felt good, though, to stand up for what we believe in. We probably didn't convert anyone, but still, maybe we gave them something to think about. I may not be dying for Christ, like the Christians in the Middle East, but it feels good to do something, even if it does involve being hurt and cursed at. At least I have friends to stand by and who can help me laugh about it. 

In other news, my parents are in Mexico for the weekend. They left on Thursday and are coming back Monday. So far it's been good. Chocolate has been eaten, TV has been watched, stuffed animals have been thrown, loud piano playing has taken place, and help has been needed. Luckily, I don't have to do this all by myself, because I'm a minor and it's illegal. A couple college students are staying with us and my grandparents are helping out a bit too. 
Also, Tessa and I are working on our science final today. We have so much to do and it's due May 21!! It might seem like a lot of time, but in reality, with this much to accomplish, its not a lot. 
In English, we're reading The Confessions by St. Augustine. I had five days to read eighty pages. I'm down to forty pages now and I have two days left. Ugh... I can't wait until Summer. 

Oh! Also: 

Yesterday, we came into our classroom where we have Latin, and my teacher walked in and said, "This school needs a newspaper. So I'm putting this class in charge of it." 

Wow. This was shocking. 
My class could be described as rash-like...persistent...annoying maybe? We're also the most closely-knit class. A lot of the other grades are super separated, while we do practically everything together, with the exception of the annual end-of-the-year sleepover the girls always have. 
So since we're the official staff, this newspaper will probably be the most interesting and entertaining paper ever seen on campus. 
(I'm doing a book review. Like, YES!!!) 



  1. That's soo awesome! I bet that felt really great! Good for you guys!!! <3

    1. thanks! it was so shocking how mean and confused they were

    2. Yeah. It's really sad. These people are so confused :(
