Saturday, May 16, 2015

Possibly My Last Post About Stressing for Finals for the Year.

The time has come. 
Weekend before finals. 
Also known as: 
Most stressful few days of the entire YEAR.  

Seriously, I'm freaking out. I thought I was prepared for my math final, which is on Tuesday morning at nine, but NO I'M REALLY NOT. 
And then on the same day, at eleven-fifty (such a weird schedule), I have to take a Theology exam and OMIGOODNESS I'M SO NOT PREPARED! 

Don't even get me started on history. 
Okay, I'm sorry, but how can you not love Calvin and Hobbs??

History is so confusing. All the names and dates and events get blurred together in my mind. 


I always devote the weekend before finals to intense studying. I never really last as long as I'd like to. 
On top of everything else, I'm falling behind on this science final, which is due THIS THURSDAY! I've had over a month, and I'm still behind. 
This time next week, it'll be all over... 
Can that really be true?? It seems like it wasn't too long ago I was dreading the start of this school year. 
I know, I say that way too often. 
Well, it's time to hit the books. I may or may not post this week, so in case I don't, I'll see y'all on the other side!
