Saturday, May 2, 2015

This Post Does Have a Title, Believe It or Not.

Lecturing wasn't too bad. I mean, I didn't die or anything. I was shaking pretty hard in my seat beforehand, and as soon as the priest had said, "through Christ, our Lord, amen," I whispered to Grace, "Wish me luck." Then I stepped out into the aisle before I could come to my senses and think about what I was doing. 

"A reading from the Acts of the Apostles..." I started shaking immediately. I read it faster than I should have, but I knew if I went any slower I would collapse or something. I gripped the sides of the podium, which helped a little, but I'm sure that my white knuckles were a give-away to everyone that I was super scared. I tried not to look anyone in the eye, especially Blaze and Penguin. The night before, I had practiced in front of them and we would always crack up at this one part. So when I had to read that one sentence, I sort of spend past it and kept my eyes on the words. 

I finally finished, got back to my seat, and sighed with relief. It took a few minutes to stop shaking, but I finally got control of myself around the petitions. But right before the petitions, the priest stopped suddenly and said, "Who was the reader?" 
I wasn't sure what to do. Raise my hand? There was a teacher behind me and she pushed me forward, so I stumbled back up to the podium. As I approached the podium, I realized I had my hands in my jacket pocket and I hadn't bowed. I was super flustered. 

So, the priest had me read the petitions, which is unusual. Usually at school Masses, the priest reads them. 
But to be fair, we don't even have an actual chapel, so... 

Reading the petitions was easier because everyone was standing, so it wasn't as intimidating. When I finished, I glanced at the priest to see if I was needed for any more surprise readings, left the podium, made an awkward bow, and went to my seat--again. This time for reals. 
I'm glad it's over. 

So, I guess the real reason I'm here is to give you all an update on Late Have I Loved You. I'm going to give you two little "Favorite line(s) so far" because I can't choose between them. The first one I may have given you before, but I really like it, so I'm giving it again. Aren't I generous? x)

Current word count: 5,762

Today's word count: approx. 530 

Favorite line(s) so far: We ran outside, Caeli's shaking fingers dialing 9-1-1. We stood there, watching the sickly beautiful flames engulf the house where Caeli and I had, not twenty minutes ago, been daydreaming about France. Now it all seemed like just that-- a dream. Soon, sirens blared and a hot red firetruck made its way on the scene, but we all knew it was too late. 
Caeli and Thomas's house was gone. 


Caeli and I were sitting on the swing on our back porch, with a great view of the ocean. The sun was starting to go down, "ending another day of trial and error," as my mom always says at sundown. Today was mostly error. 

Also, the H.M.S. Pinafore is tonight!! I'm kind of glad I'm not in it, although I sort of miss the day-of rehearsals, being there all day in costume, the pre-performance butterflies, the backstage, store-bought lunches brought by some mom... Memories of the Nutcracker  are flooding back. 

Anyways, I can't wait to see it. 
I should go do homework. I have a seminar in English class on Monday and I need to prepare for it. 

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