Saturday, November 15, 2014

Dresses, dances, and writers block (oh my)

I'm posting less and less often. So sorry. I've been busy. 

The auction is next week, so the school gave all us girls who are helping out at it our dresses that we're going to wear. They're.... not the prettiest thing I've seen. But I can honestly say, I think its the fanciest dress I've ever owned. They're long (really really long) and black and simple. 
Haha yup, I got Blaze to hold it up. 

They want us to wear a pearl necklace too. 


I'm going to look like Audrey Hepburn. Which I guess isn't a bad thing. 

Tonight's the first high school dance of the year. I'm hoping it wont be too cold because I'd really like to not be shivering the whole time. Last February, they had a dance and I was freezing the entire time! I think I had had a cold right before the dance and I was still getting over it. Not my finest hour. 

I have this horrible case of writers block, and I realized this when I sat down to write a story for a friend of mine (I'll call her Leslie). We both love to write and we used to exchange stories a lot. She moved away a few years ago but we still exchange stories. She had sent me one a few days ago and so I was guilted into sending her one as well, since she went through the trouble of typing it out for me and all. Anywho, I sit down, I look for some inspiration, and five minutes later I'm still looking at a blank sheet of paper. So I pulled out an old purple folder overflowing with three years worth of short stories written by yours truly and started reading those instead, hoping it'll give me some inspiration. Nothing came to me, so I'm going to be stuck with my writers block for a bit. 
So, I apologize, Leslie, but you'll have to wait a few days. And I hope you like your name, by the way. 



  1. Hope you have a great time at the dance!!

  2. Yeah, have a fun time! :) See you on Friday!

    1. I CANT WAIT FOR FRIDAY!!! and thanks i will!!
