Thursday, November 6, 2014

NaNoWriMo and why I'm NOT doing it

I have proved to myself that I indeed CAN control myself. Sometimes I give myself too much and then end up stressing and stressing and stressing some more. 
Ninth grade? 
Piece of cake. 
Art class? 
Bring it. 
I tend to think I can do it all, especially when I hear about something I really want to do, I simply add it to the pile. 

But NO. I have control over myself! 
Do you? 
Ugh, these italics are so negative. 


I have proof!! 
I would LOVE to do it. And I almost did. Can you imagine how much weight that would add to my pile? A LOT. A LOT LOT. 

Writing a 50,000 word novel in thirty days? 
Not so easy. 
Maybe when I graduate college and I'm living in a little apartment by the boardwalk with my cat.... 
Or I could try it in the Summer. Not officially doing NaNoWriMo, but trying to see how far I could get writing it on my own. Create my own deadline AS IF I was actually doing it, and seeing how I do. 

Sounds like a plan. 
I can't wait till Summer... 

My school has a gala auction every year and every year they ask some high schoolers to work at it. Apparently, its kind of an honor to be asked and a lot of students want to do it. I got a letter asking if I would like to work at it, and I said sure. 
Theres one teensy weensy problem: 
Its on my birthday!
Of all the days in November, my birthday! Is this some kind of sick joke? My fifteenth birthday. What a horrible coincidence. 
But maybe it'll be fun. Who knows. And if I decide I REALLY just don't want to do it, I can have someone take my place. Someone's already asked me if I want them to replace me 'cause its my birthday and all... 

I shall leave you with my art: 

Good day. 

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