Saturday, August 9, 2014


Hi all!

I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine.

Meet Claire! She's from the early eighteen hundreds. I'm currently reading Pride and Preudice, so I'm stuck in the early 19th century England for a bit. Bear with me.

So Claire is one of my characters. You'll probably hear me talk about her often, until I finish her story, or get bored of it. Which I'm hoping wont happen. Sometimes when I'm writing stories, my characters will take over, and then it gets ugly. Every once in a while, the story turns out fine. But usually, if the character takes over, it gets ugly. So this is me when I'm writing and I no longer have control:

  • "NO!!! I DON'T WANT YOU TO DIE!!!" 
  • "Oh, it's ok, no one needed you anyways..." 
  • "Ugh, does he have to do that?" 
  • "tsk tsk, anger issues..." 
  • "But what if she's a water bender or something, that could-- (character who is now running the story interrupts NO ABBY! NONONONONO!!) ok ok, you're the boss"   

Anyway, I really like Claire, so I'm hoping that does't happen. If I'm lucky, and if my character is nice enough, I can eventually regain control. But not until there has been some destruction. So, naturally, I have to go back and clean up the mess.

I may have problems.

We are having some family drop by for a few hours. They're driving back home from their family reunion and are passing though. I'm excited because one of my cousins, who on here I will call Maddie, has been my best friend since we were little tiny people. But we only get to see each other a few times a year because they live so far away.

And so, because I'm stuck in the early eighteen hundreds, I shall go have tea with Claire and discuss the story.

Good day.


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