Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Piano lessons

Today, Blaze and I had our first piano lessons! I've always wanted to learn a musical instrument, and now, I'm working on two: piano and guitar. As a father's day present, my dad had me work on guitar for a half an hour each day for thirty days. I improved a lot!
Back to piano. I really like my teacher. She's super nice and makes playing piano look easy! Blaze had his lesson first, and I sat down to read my book. But I barely got through a page because I could not take my eyes off of Blaze's fingers moving across the keys. He is really good! I had one of those proud-big-sister moments and basically smiled like a lunatic for most of his lesson.
Then my lesson came and I realized how awesome it feels to hear music that actually sounds like music and to know that you're the one making the music.
I had never really seriously thought about taking lessons until one day at school when I got hurt in P.E. The school nurse was helping me and she remarked on my long fingers and asked if I played piano. Then my grandma started taking lessons and asked if Blaze and I wanted to start and now I'm glad I said yes.

And now I want to shower and eat because we got back from the beach a few minutes ago. But first I want to share a poem I wrote on Saturday. I was really sad when I wrote this because I found out that a really good friend of mine is moving away:

Broken in Half by moi 

I was given a gift 
A gift that was you 
One year, I spent 
Holding onto you 

Then He looked down 
And found me content 
My life was fine
My life was pleasant 

He said, "What she needs 
Is to know who I am, 
The things I can do, 
That I indeed can 

Take all that she has 
And through it away. 
Don't get too attached 
Don't hold on, I say." 

So now you are gone. 
I need to let go. 
Not hold on so tight. 
My broken heart, sew. 


Yeah. I'm still working on that last line. What else rhymes with "go"...

But I guess it's true. God can give and God can take away.
I'm going to sign off before I go off on a rant.

*more sobbing*
Ok, ok, I'm going.
