Friday, August 8, 2014

Zoo Trip

Today we went to the zoo. The animals are always so cool to watch, and the zoo we went to has so many! Penguin was especially excited about--surprise, surprise-- the penguins. Mary Rose likes the section with the bugs, snakes, etc. which I find strange. I hate bugs, and snakes scare me. Ronnie will wander around and cry when she's too short to look into an exhibit. Blaze is usually the one who helps her up. He's also the one who will say random facts about the animals that make me think, why is he so darn smart?
My favorites are the cats and the birds. Especially the snow leopards. Theres also this section for Asian birds that I like.
Lilian liked the snow leopards too.

Things Lilian said while at the snow leopards exhibit: 
1) I'm gonna name him... Gracie!
2) Whoa, they're fighting! Awesome!
three minutes later 
3) They were fighting!
a minute later 
4) Cool... They were fighting!

Yup. She was fascinated.

On the way home, Blaze and Penguin sat next to each other in the car. NEVER a good idea. They were cracking up the whole time. Penguin was fake dying, they were making up their own lyrics to songs, Blaze was making some puppets dance, they would fake fight, and every once in a while I'd here "Put a cork in it!" from Penguin, and "We're going to die. We're all going to die." from Blaze. And then, of course, we can never have a car ride without Penguin waving to/shouting at strangers.
My brothers are crazy insane different. It's awesome.

Topic change.

We have this tree in our backyard that we climb a lot. Today, Lilian climbed the highest she's ever gone, to this one branch the boys and I like to sit on. Once she got there, she declared, "I made it to my first big kid branch!" Congratulations, Lil! We're all very proud of you. She and Blaze celebrated on that "big kid branch" by doing dot-to-dots and then putting weird faces on the people in the pictures.

I have a poem about the beach I'm writing. Well, I haven't written it yet, but I'm forming it in my mind. I also have a lot of story ideas piling up in my mind, and I need to start writing them before my mind explodes.

I'm off to read. My List of Books to Read is growing rapidly with Pride and Preudice and The Diary of Anne Frank in front, and Agitha Christe close behind.


1 comment:

  1. Love what I can see of your List of Books to Read. Wondering what else is on the list . . .
